I was inspired by Harebrained Schemes' Shadowrun Returns to create this proposal for Tactics Corp. My goal with Tactics Corp was to create a more mobile-friendly, casual, short-session and less chance-driven game that still evoked Cyberpunk themes. To establish the vision, I wrote a four-page pitch document. The document outlines the market appeal, critical technology requirements and sample content to communicate the overall vision for the project.
Gameplay MockupTo help visually-driven readers of the Pitch Document understand the vision for Tactics Corp a little better, I created this Gameplay Mockup. It demonstrates many important aspects of the game, including visually-identifiable character classes, menu-based action selection, and a line-of-sight based fog-of-war.
While this may serve as a starter for art direction, that is a secondary priority compared to communicating visual gameplay info. Communicating both with words and pictures allows me to evangelize project vision efficiently to all project contributors. |
Level DesignTo further explore the kind of experience I expected Tactics Corp to provide, I created a sample level layout and script. This content serves as an exemplar for engineers and game designers to understand the application of the game's systems, informing how those systems may provide a fun experience. The content also sets the quality standards for other designers, in regards to the expected writing and complexity / intrigue of the missions to properly evoke the Cyberpunk setting.
Using the Pitch Document, Level Layout and Level Script, Tactics Corp is fully playable in pen-and-paper form for prototyping purposes. |