According to friends in the print game industry, the pen and paper market is notorious for poor profitability. Regardless, I love pen and paper roleplaying and Infinitos is an expression of that. While I am excited to solve monetization problems and help Infinitos be the best product it can be, I also acknowledge that I am making the game I think the role-playing audience deserves, and not necessarily the one that will make me the most money.
Please contact me personally if you'd like to view Infinitos game materials.
Infinitos is ambitious by being a trans-genre system, designed to empower Player and GM choices, not just narratively (like Fate, for example) but mechanically as well. It does this without excessive rules to govern every possible piece of content (like GURPS), instead providing flexible system that can apply to a wealth of scenarios.
The system currently features a pamphlet-sized rulebook of about fifty pages. Taking on strict limitations to ensure the game is easy to learn and can appeal to a wide audience, the game relies on no computer-assistance while still being able to say 'yes' to every idea a player or GM has. |
Rapid Prototyping and IterationPen and paper as a gaming medium has development benefits. Unlike video game prototypes, every rule change I make in Infinitos can immediately provide exactly the experience the end-user would have. And further I have the luxury of testing this with an audience as soon as I care to, allowing for feedback-based course changes at any point.
As every iteration is quick and controllable, I try lots of ideas before settling on one that works best with relatively little investment. Infinitos has helped me become comfortable identifying bad ideas, or ideas that just don't work out like I hoped, and throwing them out without remorse when moving on to better solutions. |
Content and Narrative DesignAs the creator of Infinitos, I am also most often the GM for test groups (though not always!). Over the lifetime of Infinitos' development, I have created many worlds, their inhabitants with personalities and motives, their technology with balanced requirements and performance values, all while being a servant to providing an excellent experience for the players.
I take joy in providing fresh, exciting and interesting experiences for players and being the GM for my system has allowed me to do this with incredible variety. |